
Innompic Games

The First World Innompic Games was a historical experience in my life.

I perceive Innompic is about smartness competition and thinking solution along with future challenges simultaneously for optimizing options of our world for every one of us fairly. Innompic is a unique competition for me because creators compete to change the World for anyone of us without considering private benefits and awards. In our life experience, we might be familiar with a competition of defeating others and bagging awards; but Innompic is thinking beyond our own victory, business profit and the benefit of the group we support. This is the beginning of Innompic’s journey to engage unlimited creators along with their sustainable solutions for leading our common planet.

As the participant of 1st Innompic competition, everyone is invited for upcoming love-based competition to contribute your outbox thinking for the better solution of the world. LET’S LOVE and CONTRIBUTE TO OUR PLANET!” ~ Begna Dejene, Ethiopia

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